Avery Hall
More information on Avery Hall
Building Details
- Address: 1172 Amsterdam Ave., New York, NY 10027
- Address: 1172 Amsterdam Ave., New York, NY 10027
- Architect: McKim, Mead and White
- Architect: McKim, Mead and White
- Year Built: 1912
- Year Built: 1912
- Gross Area: 105,370 sq. ft.
- Gross Area: 105,370 sq. ft.
- Number of Stories: 8
- Number of Stories: 8
- Major Occupants: Avery Library and the Graduate School Architecture, Planning and Preservation
- Major Occupants: Avery Library and the Graduate School Architecture, Planning and Preservation
- Disability Access Features: Ramp into main entrance. Use the 1st floor of Fayerweather Hall to access Wood Auditorium (113 Avery), Macioce Lecture Hall (114 Avery), 115 Avery (classroom), and café space (located below Avery Plaza).
- Disability Access Features: Ramp into main entrance. Use the 1st floor of Fayerweather Hall to access Wood Auditorium (113 Avery), Macioce Lecture Hall (114 Avery), 115 Avery (classroom), and café space (located below Avery Plaza).